How does erotic massage work?

How does erotic massage work?

Many people think that this is an escort who has a massage and ends up having sex. But you are wrong.

Understand what erotic massage is

Erotic massage is a massage therapy technique that involves the professional and the client in a more intimate way with touches, caressing the skin all over the body and in erogenous areas, stimulating the sexual nerve receptors. Hire your erotic massage in Lisbon

The benefits of erotic massage

It ranges from relaxation to improved blood circulation, general well-being and even pain relief.

Tips to get started

As a customer, get it into your head that you are going to relax. It is very important not to go in a hurry. Turn off your cell phone, and forget about everything else. find masseuses from the best massage spas in Lisbon

Feel comfortable and your masseuse is sure to master ice-breaking techniques to put you at ease.

If you feel like something more sexual?

It is perfectly normal for this to happen. Many masseuses offer Lingam Massage to finish your erotic massage and which can even provide orgasm without ejaculation

If the massage therapist also happens to feel like interacting with you, make sure you have the money to pay some extra.

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