When some agencies and site refer to “exclusive escorts,” they are simply trying to make them seem more desirable. As if these girls need any help to be more desirable for goodness sake! But the true meaning of an exclusive escort is that she is available “exclusively” with that agency alone. It’s quite a rare occurrence in our business to get any of these girls, because they tend to list with all the top agencies; and as you know, Ninfa Models continues to enjoy a position of great importance in the Lisbon escort community
Escorts Need to Work
Lisbon escorts need to get bookings in order to be successful. They need to be busy enough to pay their bills and rent etc. and earn their desired amount of money before they head off home (if they are touring escorts of course). And because we get so many European girls, Brazilians and GFE Lisbon Escorts, the girls tend to get lost among all the other profiles. This is why they list with a number of sites. Just to get the bookings they need.
So, when we get a girl who wants to be represented exclusively by Ninfa Models, it makes us very happy indeed. Mainly because she must trust us enough, and realize that we are popular enough, to get her all the work she needs. When a girl decides to try out being exclusive with our agency, we really pull out all the stops to get her as much work as she wants. We advertise on various platforms, we recommend her to our clients (if she’s good of course), and we generally do all the promotion we can to get her work.
Exclusive Escorts Don’t Always Want Too Much
An exclusive escort may not want to do that many bookings either. So it makes sense for them to go with one agency. Then they are not inundated with booking requests from several agencies. They can simply tell their agent that they are not available on a particular day if they wish, and then they won’t be bothered by anyone. It makes it easier for the girls to spend their time in Lisbon, and not feel obligated to accept bookings from numerous escort agencies. They feel a lot more in control of their trip to our fine city.
With this in mind, if you are planning on booking an escort, it’s often a good idea to ask our receptionists if we have any exclusive girls, and whether or not they are taking bookings. Exclusive escorts are often far more relaxed and ready to entertain than those that are doing more bookings than they really want each day.
Want to Work on Ninfa Models?
If you are an existing escort with Ninfa Models, and you want to go exclusive with us, just let us know and we will help you. If you would like to become a luxury escort, and work exclusively with Ninfa Models, we would be happy to have you to. Simply submit an application and we can help you out.